Excel Twitter 20110727
Would you rather eat a pre-packaged butty, or work on Excel? If you choose Excel, we’ll throw in a hammer, and some gin.
- A guy I work near uses with pivot tables. He’s French. Occasionally hear a burst of French expletives surrounding "pivot table"
- I know it’s silly, but I feel like a computer whiz when I get excel to do something cool.
- Boss gave me a 3000+ row excel sheet to analyze for a presentation tomorrow. I asked for guidelines. His advice: "be prepared" #suckstosuck
- I have a really unhealthy love of Microsoft excel. I teach myself formulas in my spare time.
- I love Excel. But then again, I do like a challenge
- I once had a boss who typed all her memos in Excel. Drove me nuts.
- Need to explain to my lawyer that I add up spreadsheet columns using a pencil & paper, as I don’t trust Excel #shouldhavebeenalawyer$$$
- Note to self: Rename tab currently titled "RawDogData" before placing this excel sheet on the server. #AccountiNerd
- If you don’t understand math or microsoft excel, then that’s your problem.
- New work colleagues observation #94 : lunches are for wimps. You half-eat a pre-packaged butty for 10 minutes then back to Excel
- LOL! I love Excel. I’m an Excel fangirl. Everytime I have a problem at work I go, "what we need is an Excel spreadsheet…" hehe
- Formatting this Excel spreadsheet would go a lot smoother if I had a hammer and possibly some gin.
- IPhone, you can do everything I can think of…except read a excel file, mega fail. #Windows95win
- Excel just crashed for the second time today. Did I learn my lesson the first time and frequently save my work? Hahahaha. Of course not.
- Ahhh… It’s been so long since I had to work out anything big in Excel, I’ve forgotten all my awesome formulae
- Excel, how do I love thee? not as much as I love Access, but you’ll do…
- Organizing the rota for a staff meeting via a shared Excel spreadsheet is just plain DUMB. Are we still in the 1990’s?
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