Excel Twitter 20111112
That tweeter makes it sound like using Excel to avoid project work is a bad thing! It’s more productive than sleeping or making coffee, right?
- I have to say that being neck-deep in a giant excel spreadsheet full of formulas and color coding is one of my fav places to be. #imanerd
- avoiding a project for work by making an excel sheet to chart the progress of said project. #efficiency
- In the future you should be able to talk to Excel & tell it how you want your graph,it would certainly save me a lot of time
- For the love of god, ALL I want to do is have custom colors in this stupid Excel file. #MSOfficeisevil
- I will be in this one excel spreadsheet pivot-tabling my brains out for the rest of my life. HOW DO I FORMAT THIS?
- accountant’s pet peeve #234: working off an excel spreadsheet that looks like it was created by a preschooler #cringing #fb
- I just learned how to make pivot tables in excel and now I’m kind of addicted to it? I don’t think I’m normal.
- Right now to make these graphs… which means Excel… which means DISASTER!!! :S lol! Xx
- Falling asleep is pretty hard, they should teach this at school NOT making pie charts with excel. My secretary can do that for me.
- The old "We built this massive table in Word but actually need in Excel" trick. Why does it always end up being MY problem?
- Blargh. A single dropped cell in my giant orders spreadsheet has sent orders the wrong way ’round the globe. Ack.
- *goes to make a coffee whilst computer loads excel spreadsheet*
- If I can open Excel then I will give my self another 15 mins. Looking at pie charts reminds me of pies; and that makes me hungry.
- For those of you who do office work, is there anything more glorious than getting an Excel document to submit to your will?
- Has anyone ever done a really sick rap with "wrap text" or any other Excel lingo? There’s a lot to work with.
- I love locking Excel spreadsheets at work. I’m so cruel.
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