Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20111214

image Do not unplug a stranger’s computer, no matter what they’re working on, or how rude Excel is being. Have a fourth cup of coffee and you’ll feel cool again.

  • I love Excel Formulas. Feeling cool with meself right now.
  • Been at the office since 4am. Still haven’t solved the problem. Now excel is being rude, and VBA is being borky. #abugslife
  • My professor who gave extra credit in excel form, used sheet 2 to solve the problem, and sheet 1 is the answer, I feel bad I found this out
  • I’m on my THIRD (afternoon) coffee and I kind of feel like it’s part of the problem. My brain is racing! Excel can’t keep up! HELP
  • Im doing excel spreadsheet stuff and i look over and this girl studying types of drugs and effects of alcohol. I want to unplug her computer
  • Engineers LOVE embedding Word docs inside Excel docs inside another Word doc. They’re the only ones I’ve seen do that LOL.
  • I have to make a graph, what do I do? I’m so confused! Do I use excel?
  • To master any data analysis, one must first master Pivot Tables. To master Pivot Tables, one must first master one’s lifelong fear of Excel.
  • If you look up "worlds greatest calculator" and don’t see the Excel icon… you have a problem.
  • Dear Excel. Would it hurt you to come to the real world and have separate windows for each worksheet? Your friend Word did it years ago
  • Your story isn’t adding up, Excel. I have a pivot table that references that data, so don’t you #REF! me. You’re embarrassing both of us.
  • Went hunting in Excel for the keyboard shortcut for "hide this column". Found "hide this workbook" instead. These are not interchangeable.
  • I spent the whole day deciphering somebody else’s Excel VBA code. I did not enjoy it.


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