Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20111231

Happy New Year’s Eve! If you don’t have your party plans finalized for tonight, you can sort them out in an Excel spreadsheet.image

  • I’m sure that if I wanted to control every aspect of my life w Excel, I could. My love for creating rules & formulas is really disturbing.
  • Still don’t know what I’m doing for new years, I did however put the possible night clubs in an excel spreadsheet. #organized
  • Just put my half marathon training plan in Excel. Everything feels more official when it’s part of a spreadsheet. #fitfluential
  • Using #Excel 2003 today. I always think I’ve seen all the bugs Excel has to offer… and I’m always surprised. πŸ™‚ http://t.co/I2hj82hr
  • Will an excel sheet ever run out of space? Because at this rate I’m doing my work , it’s going to.
  • Just had a coworkers go straight up ninja on an Excel spreadsheet…like Whoa!!!
  • Why am I having such trouble spelling ‘different’?! Stupid excel doesn’t show up spelling mistakes!
  • Is it strange that when I need to do an #excel spreadsheet, I draw out on paper what I want before going to the computer?!
  • My Friday night is consisting of entering radish dry weights into an excel spreadsheet and analyzing the results. Cool. #happynewyears
  • My laptop is refusing to open a necessary excel spreadsheet, but I’m refusing to restart my laptop because Pandora is playing good music.
  • Sometimes I notice how short my attention span is at work. Just got bored waiting 30 seconds for Excel file to load, so internet for 5 min
  • Pivot tables make my world a better place. #excel #random thoughts
  • dad just told me my graph for moyski was ugly and it was made in excel. #illmakeitprettyforyou
  • I just realized I’m using Excel 2003 at work. Surely spreadsheet technology has advanced in the last decade?
  • I was using Excel to create a pivot table of my New Years Resolutions but then I realized I desperately need to seek help.


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