Excel Twitter 20120405
Be nice to Excel, or it could delete all your work. Even your former boss, who makes way too much money, knows that.
- My first Excel spreadsheet, it’s going well. ►
- My info tech lecturer just said #Excel is stupid…THANK YOU!!! iThought it was just me that thought so ►
- The Mrs wanted a simple excel graph from a bank statement. Ended up creating Azure db and reporting services report for it 🙂 #OverDoingIt ►
- Former boss that makes over $160K just emailed to ask how to sort a sheet in excel…again ►
- Y none of these educated folk in this ofc knows how 2 use 2007 Excel Pivot Tables? Is it that NONE of us wanna read instructions? YES! ►
- So my professor handed out an excel graph made by an inmate. Can someone tell me how an inmate has access to a computer? ►
- Coffee + Dogs + laptop + me in bed doing some excel spreadsheet accounts work….may stay here all day at this rate ►
- @microsoft_excel should have voice commands…I would be like…"A1 to D12 pivot!" I could make it more dramatic if need be. ►
- I made fun of Excel before and now it’s deleted all my work. Well played, Excel. #sigh ►
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