Excel Twitter 20120409
If Excel could talk, would it really sound like Marvin from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy? Would it be perfect husband material?
- I typed a date into an excel spreadsheet on Thursday and it changed into a random number. I immediately called the bomb squad. ►
- Am juggling twin tasks of making a pot of sambhar and extracting data from an Excel pivot table. Maami says "Such perfect husband material" ►
- I made an excel spreadsheet cataloging all of my clothes…what kind of monster have I become? ►
- I’d rather draw my graphs personally on paper, than to watch a YouTube tutorial teaching me how to draw them on Excel #sadunilife ►
- Today spent all day making graphs in Excel. If Excel could speak, I think it would sound like Marvin from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. ►
- Running a macro for pivot tables on excel is *really* not conducive to my current dizziness&threatening nausea. Too much movement going on! ►
- I’d rather take a puck off the collarbone than look at one more spreadsheet #notafinancemajor ►
- Calculating numbers, and creating a pie chart for those numbers without the books help on Excel…..I feel so smart 😉 ►
- You should see the Excel workbook I made for work. Cut our monthly work down by 2 days at least. So complex but so effective. #ButNoPayRaise ►
- Dad looks at my graphs I did on excel "oh what a beauty" "excuse me?" #lovemydad ►
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