Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20120615

If you have to do something 40 times in Excel, maybe recording a macro would help! As long as it doesn’t interfere with the US Open feed, of course.

  • People that use #EXCEL sheets as databases should be working in non-computer related jobs. And shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce.
  • Thank god for #YouTube #excel #selfhelp videos
  • You know your a nerd when you wake up and realize you dreamed about #excel.
  • conditional formatting is the last act of a desperate man #excel
  • Coworker to me:"nothing is impossible in excel" #wordsofwisdom
  • #ThatExcitingMoment when excel makes sense all of a sudden. Lol! Cc @Slor_thips
  • My inability to use Microsoft Excel is startling. #repelled
  • adding tabs to an Excel grid is a sure way for me to miss info. I never check for other tabs, much to my detriment
  • One screen excel, the other email, and the third #usopen live stream… Gunna be a good day
  • Oh Excel why do you hate me so? Can’t we just be friends?
  • Oh hey cool I figured out how to do what I wanted to in this excel tool. Now do it 40 more times. – my life
  • Playing Sonic on excel. I need to meet the genius who was able to make this possible
  • Excel, you are amazing. I’m so sorry for ever doubting you.


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