Excel Twitter 20120705
If you’re tired of copying and pasting in Excel all day, maybe you could hire some clown to do that for you. Or a spider.
- Ah … ‘Microsoft Excel has encountered a problem’
Don’t say it’s Higgs causing that
- Well i just made myself look like a massive fool by missing off a minus symbol on a spreadsheet making us look out £45k and panicking #idiot
- Who knew Excel pivot tables could be this sexy?!
- The clown is making a balloon dog give birth. I AM TRYING TO WORK ON AN IMPORTANT SPREADSHEET #ClownInOffice
- When I get to hell, the devil will make me fix someone else’s spreadsheet formulas and faulty logic all day. With extra data entry errors.
- I FINALLY figured out Excel 2010! Well, at least the doughnut graphs. WHY did everything have to change so much in 2010? #WHY
- The guy next to me in the lab made the most ridiculous spreadsheet in Excel. That will be me one day if I play my cards right.
- Don’t tell anyone, but I just wrote 4500 lines of code using Excel’s CONCATENATE function #notbestpractice
- I realize it *is* possible, but why would someone construct an org chart in Excel? With photographs? #new_hammer #all_nails
- Dear Excel: merged cells are the topic of today’s defenestration exercise. Kthxbai
- Monthly report time, that’s code for my head is going to be buried in Excel for at least the next 45mins
- Note to self: buy Excel for Dummies after work. -__-
- This woman at work, sits and creates Excel spreadsheets all day, coding them etc, for no reason. It’s nothing to do with her job. #baffled.
- Guy at work just asked how to copy & paste in excel. He didn’t know how b/c he used to have people to do that. Seriously? Hate him already.
- Bored with filling in an excel spreadsheet I went in the garden & watched a spider build a web. Similar work. A grid to catch stuff.
- These graphs are uglier than the excel chart template.