Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20120926

imageDon’t worry – I have those Excel dreams too. Let’s blame the NFL replacement #REF!s.

  • I just used Excel to convert data to percentages, then multiply by chart height to get accurate pixels. All hope is gone. #dataNerd
  • My boss wants me to put all this info on an excel spread sheet. I don’t think I’ve ever used excel for real life. Wish me luck..
  • Next time my Excel spreadsheet doesn’t work, I’m going to blame the replacement #REF!s. #NFL
  • anyone else have dreams where they work out how to finish off the formatting of an excel spreadsheet? just me? right then, carry on…
  • 100% convinced that when I go to hell I will be forced to work in Microsoft Excel for all eternity
  • Just created the most beautiful Excel spreadsheet you probably have ever seen but knowing me it’s completely incorrect.
  • i’m too stupid to create #pivot table in #excel, but I’m a hero in modifying them 😀
  • Man I love Microsoft excel! How thoughtful of it to hide all my graphs from me in a teeny left hand box. I had a total of 37 sheets going.
  • VLOOKUP inside COUNTIF inside AVERAGE inside HLOOKUP pulling from a pivot table. MY BRAIN IS EXPLODING #ihateNAerrors #excelprobs ****
  • Excel just turned all of my dates in a chart to 1900. Well played, Microsoft, well played.
  • Excel is AMAZING! Watch out world, soon I’ll have harnessed the power of the pivot table
  • I love that Microsoft thought to allow Excel to sort columns by color. I can’t think of a usecase, but someone’s happy it’s there, I’m sure.
  • OK code nerds, let’s play Who Wants To Troubleshoot Alan’s Excel Macro? [dramatic music, Laker Girls with t-shirt guns]
  • I have yet again screwed up a graph…it said "#NAME?" yes, excel. I have a name.
  • One day, somebody in my lab will send me an Excel spreadsheet that contains no errors. And I will appreciate it, a lot.
  • Awh bless my mother. She thinks I’m some sort of genius because I can put numbers into an Excel spreadsheet
  • I think I’m going to use part of my training funds to take a "Power User" Excel class. I want to learn how to do a Pivot Chart.


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