Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20140905

imageIf you use Excel to track college football results, should you show the grid lines on the worksheets? That might be a good question to ask at the Algonquin Pivot Table.

Thanks to Mr. Excel, Bill Jelen, for contributing a few of these tweets!

  • Work update; Excel behaved itself today.
  • Shout out to myself for my dope ass excel skills. My pivot table game way strong.
  • Lost in my excel worksheet; a story of frustration and triumph
  • I’ve gone from I need a Pivot table to give me some damn markers and I’ll draw this insanity out.
  • Trying to come up with a name for my Fantasy Authorball team. How does The Algonquin Pivot Table strike you?
  • Main to-do for tomorrow; “make the Excel import code I wrote less terrible.” I said “not terrible” at first but come on
  • “The only reason to make a graph that complicated is to hide the cocaine budget.” #work #Excel #deargodihopetheresnoactualcocainebudget
  • Is it just me or is the chart creation process in Excel completely barbaric and uncivilized?
  • Pretty sure the only reason my dad learned to use excel was to make his homemade depth chart for ND #collegefootball #ilovesaturdays
  • Things that make me pull my hair out; Editing someone else’s pivot table… I surrendered and created my own. #excel #iliveinacube
  • I feel like an old man trying to work Microsoft Excel now. It didn’t used to be this complex. Sweardagawd
  • I know how to use vlookup! Probably too late at this age.. But I just feel very happy…;-)
  • *Jumps back to a PC to complete pivot table work* *Computer auto restarts and needs to install 15 updates* *Remembers he hates Microsoft*
  • If I could figure out how to work Excel then 98% of my problems will be solved. #WhySoConfusing
  • That moment when you scream YES! once a Pivot Table for a data file with 90K+ mentions is successfully inserted! #nerd #fb
  • This time last week, I was eating octopus in the Athenian sun with great company. Now I’m in work and Excel is TOTALLY against me! Argh! #fb
  • Was telling people at work how made ‘choose your own adventure’ books in Excel. Then I explained what a CYOA book was. #damnkids
  • How does anyone work in excel without visible gridlines. You’re all barbarians

Work update; Excel behaved itself today. http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This week’s tweets by:

SuperCroup, @rfchristensen, KayUhhLowHah, @1Geek2CraftAll, theanalogdivide, CodingItWrong, jnshep4, TDS_71, bumblemm, colorful_n0mi, NuthnButAGThing, @ngfenyi, BReynoldsMN, chelsea_lynn30, ArisBejosano, WeeNeiller, nezza, tarallodactyl


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