Excel Twitter 20141003
Can Excel be bribed with candy, or is it cowering in the corner, afraid to face the vampires that are ready to feast on it?
- In the power of pivot table we trust !!
- Excel, I promises I’ll give you candy if you just work with me now buddy…
- Just lost an hour’s worth of work on excel – someone hold me
- That awkward moment when you’re so bad at writing code that you crash all of Excel…
- How have people made it to senior year of college without knowing how to make a chart using data on excel?
- That moment when your over-sold photoshop and Excel skills are called upon at work.
- For months now, I’ve always wanted to have someone in my life. And today, all I really want is to make that Excel formula work.
- I was doing an assignment when I noticed Excel had the option for radar charts. Now I want to play around with radar charts.
- I swear I work with incompetent idiots… “I’m not good with Excel so I just hand wrote it”
- There is no greater pleasure in life than finally getting an excel logic formula to work and return 0 errors… Our maybe that is relief.
- Getting to that point in the year when it’s still dark when I get up for work. Feel like a vampire waking to feast on Excel spreadsheets.
- I just spent more time making a graph on excel for physics than I actually did doing the experiment!!!!
- I am watching someone at a coffee shop use an 8 inch Surface with keyboard to work on a large Excel file. It hurts.
- I love it when you follow the instructions exactly and your excel chart doesn’t match the example
- that moment you do something that takes your boss 3 hours… you do in 20 minutes cuz you created a formula in Excel ;D
- Have mentally prepared myself decently for excel based, more specifically pivot table-based work.
- Three weeks in and I haven’t had to create one pivot table. I think I can love this new job.
This week’s tweets by:
ikkaaa_, LudiTesta, LizMiller15, cassidyspradlin, SamSeeton, roy_charles12, thegrindjournal, madoxified, noxxels, ItsThatDamnguy, cwbuechler, Brian_OConor518, niki_marina, robbyburns, fangirlrenee, lennyd19, harc007, enn_tee
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