Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20160219

If (when) Excel punishes you by crashing, try to remember that things could be worse. At least you don’t have to fight saber-toothed tigers every day.

If you like this week’s tweets, please do me a favour and share the link. Thanks! [bctt tweet=”Here are this week’s best #Excel tweets, for your Friday entertainment”]

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • I’m afraid if I do a pivot table some people’s heads will detonate and it’ll be an awful mess
  • Amazing how much faster a workbook created in Excel 2016 is in Excel 2010 than in 2013 or 2016.
  • I never thought I would miss work! Not because my lo bores me but miss the people and especially excel :S is excel withdrawal even a thing?
  • There is a part of me that thinks every time I close an excel workbook with only a few cells filled and don’t save, that I am wasting paper
  • omg the other day at work i was told about someone who was using a calculator with excel cause they didnt know it did sums and im crying
  • Up since 3 AM. Doing some “Excel”lent work. Early man survived the Ice Age & Saber tooth tigers so that I may tweet about nonsense like this
  • Excel: “I noticed you haven’t saved your work in the last 20 minutes, so to punish you, I’m going to crash” #phdchat
  • spent an hour today correcting the excel formulae of a qualified accountant. it was potentially the worst excel workbook I’ve ever seen
  • I can sum up working in corporate finance v quickly: you do a bunch of Excel calculations then the next day ur boss wants them all different
  • Trying to code in Excel is like Building a bike out of toothpicks with both your hands tied behind your back
  • Happy 6 month work anniversary to me. Celebrating by staring at an excel grid
  • Me to junior reporter: I love Excel. Reporter: But it’s so 90s? Me: Um, yeah. *Cries self to sleep feeling old #whatswrongwithExcel #tooold
  • The joy of being organised. Excel, I love you.
  • If someone ever asks me in a job interview just how good I am with Excel I’m going to tell them I’m both a Macromancer and a Pivot Wizard
  • I wish I had $1 for every time I thought “I could use a pivot table for this”

If you like this week’s tweets, please do me a favour and share the link. Thanks! [bctt tweet=”Here are this week’s best #Excel tweets, for your Friday entertainment”]

Is Excel withdrawal even a thing? http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.

















Is Excel withdrawal even a thing? http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

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This Week’s Tweets By

megadave5000, boris_isaksson, OpinionAdaptor, PaulCJim, ysabellerocks, nikhileshmurthy, kirstyegraham, JoannaDapper, KimberlyPr0bz, MrHipsterG, TrentLa, Flowers_S, Bhairavi123, ancientbones, mlmccleaf


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