Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20170616

How long do you spend each day, picking colours for Excel? Or do you use animal codes instead? And speaking of animals, can your dog make a pivot table, or does your mom have to do that for him?

Excel is my happy place http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • OH at work: Excel is my happy place
  • I legit spent half an hour at work today trying to decide which colours to use in my Excel spreadsheet. It was actually really hard
  • Don’t claim to know Excel unless you use Pivot Tables!!!!!! #factsonly
  • Just had to type “DELETE THIS” in an excel sheet at work & my mind wanted to insert internet meme gifs.
  • Don’t you just love when your excel formula works smoothly?
  • Yeah, I know your dog can “sit” and “roll over”, but can he insert pivot tables on an excel spreadsheet? Didn’t think so.
  • @Notteham I love excel and beer, a US Brewery list could entertain me for months.
  • I feel like this excel workbook I’m creating on is my child. It’s so formula driven and automatic, it makes the nerd in me so proud
  • After a day of excel-based data analysis, I am now totally brain dead. Apologies in advance for any stupid tweets that follow.
  • All I’ve done at work today was make a cute animal coded holiday calendar on Excel
  • my mom sent me a very detailed excel spreadsheet on what I need to pack for our vacation lol now I know where I get my love for lists from
  • Just had a colleague ask me to color code data in excel. What is wrong with people?!
  • What’d you do today? I watched excel chug this crazy slow code for the past 3.5 hrs…and counting
  • Only person to ever get an excel pie chart tattoo
  • Hey boss how do we sell a ridiculously long monitor”Show the monitor with Excel and how long the lines get if you fullscreen”Genius

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.

















Here’s this week’s Excel meme: Excel is my Happy Place

Excel meme: Excel is my Happy Place
Excel meme: Excel is my Happy Place

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This Week’s Tweets By

Sarah Welch, Steven Wicks, John Hursh, Wendy Lady, Maria☆, The Pop Music Girl, Easy Pretzel, Brett, Laurie Winkless, ells bells, salmon fills , pmc_22, Bryan Rickards, LG, Angry WuTang Bell



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