Excel Humor

Excel Tweets Roundup 20180406

Are pivot tables easier to make than they use to be? Are pie charts harder than physics class? Can you cough up a spreadsheet at the push of a button? Don’t let those questions give you nightmares.


This Weekโ€™s Tweets โ€“ Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • Me typing VBA: “Oops, I accidentally hit enter before I finished this line of code.”Excel: NOW YOU MUST DIE!!!
  • Making an Excel Spreadsheet is my go-to “work around.” Something’s not working right? A: Let’s create a spreadsheet.
  • i used to have such nice dreams. now all i dream about is work, excel spreadsheets, organizing things, overanalyzing myself, and messing up. i need a new job
  • I figured out how to do a pivot table on Excel. They’ve made it WAY easier to do than it was 8-9 years ago.
  • why is inserting data into a pie chart in excel seemingly just as hard as acing a physics class? asking for a friend
  • Is it worse to die at work – heart explodes – and you go face-first into your keyboard with an unfinished excel formula on the screen or out in the wild, a surprise attack by some yeti or mountain lion?
  • Stupid burger flippers get a real job- Person who could be replaced by Excel macros
  • I’ve never driven drunk, but I imagine it feels an awful lot like me trying to make a pivot table in this massive excel spreadsheet right now. Reckless, unwieldy, and liable to damage something, someone, or myself.
  • Nothing like teaching myself basic excel for a work project using YouTube vids. What have I gotten myself into here. lol.
  • When the boss thinks you can cough up some excel sheets just with the push of a button ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚
  • After a lot of thought, the only advice I’d give to my younger self would be this:Learn to use VLOOKUP and Pivot Tables in Excel.So much time wasted at work over the past 20 years…
  • I did yoga before work today. I feel that my Excel chakras have been aligned.
  • this summer i have to show my dad how to use excel bc at work he was told to make a spreadsheet and he responded “whats a spreadsheet”
  • This is gonna sound like an incredibly nerdy journalist thing to say but dear god do I love a nice clean pivot table.
  • The greatest lie ever told is: โ€œYes, I know how to work Excel.โ€

This Weekโ€™s Tweets โ€“ Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.

















Are your Excel chakras aligned? http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

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This Weekโ€™s Tweets By

Tim Trice, Captain Fox, Ashley , Mrs. Whomstโ€™ve, Asking For A Friend, Ted Bennett, Aamir, Andrew Littlefield, Sincitygeek, chalets flowchart, astrotomato, Okoye’s Wig, lynnze, Doha Madani, Irene Morales


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