Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20091130

It’s Monday, so we’re back to work in Excel, complaining about our bosses, clients and homework assignments. That student might be in for a shock though, if he does become self-employed. Can he really avoid Excel? Even Tiger Woods was mentioned in the Excel tweets. That’s a sign that he’s becoming successful! Sadly Lacking Sometimes,…

Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20091126

Excel helps you prepare for the holidays, and it gives you plenty to be thankful for. Well, most of the time. Happy Thanksgiving, if you’re celebrating today, and welcome to the Thanksgiving 2009 edition of Excel Twitters. Thanksgiving Break My wife has created an excel spreadsheet for her thanksgiving meal preparation. This feast is going…

Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20090925

I’m not doing weekly Twitter posts any longer, because of all the spam in Twitter. However, here are a couple of recent Excel related tweets with interesting links. Who knew that you could do knitting with Excel? Create your own lace knitting chart with Excel. http://bit.ly/aKCqU Forget Excel: 14 Online Spreadsheet Applications http://bit.ly/cIpMO#mb _________________

Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20090731

Are Excel nerds Rock Stars? Should we hear applause after each brilliant performance? People were celebrating the small Excel victories in Twitterville this week. Speaking of celebrations, it’s Ken Puls’ birthday today, and Nick Hodge is getting married this weekend, so best wishes to them. I’m not a historian, so can’t vouch for the accuracy…

Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20090717

Excel will soon be in the clouds, where we’ll spend our days, floating and calculating. Well, that’s the way I picture it. Meanwhile, back on earth, Nascar, webmaster interns and the IMF are struggling along with older versions of Excel. And now, faster than you can spell Concatenate or hide a worksheet, here’s this week’s…

Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20090619

Who knew that Dirty Projectors could make music, let alone create lyrics in Excel? This is the kind of startling information that you can learn in Twitter. Other nuggets of knowledge gleaned from this week’s tweets – birthday parties go better with charts, jewelers need Excel, and Excel is psychic. The beer thing, I already…