Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20081108

Another week in Twitterville, with the usual whining about Excel crashes and lost data. Here’s a tip — save your work in Excel every 10 minutes. Don’t blame Excel when you lose a day’s work because you never bothered to hit the Save button. Geez.

Oh, and Excel comes with a Help file — don’t be afraid to use it.

Incredibly Annoying

  • it’s incredibly annoying to not be able to take excel sheets outside of the excel program window
  • I keep running these massive, macro-driven excel reports while having ~17 other apps going. Why is my computer whining?
  • “Satan will take the form of Excel spreadsheet cell G-14 this week and refuse to assume the proper formatting. “
  • Damnit – I’ve had my recommended lifetime dosage of Excel three times in a row now. Next thing, I’m thinking in $Absolute $References…
  • Always, *always* been able to help co-workers with every conceivable Word and Excel issue, But MS is working just as hard to stop that.
  • I don’t mind so much when Access and Excel try to think for me, but when they’re wrong, I expect them to listen to me.
  • …cries salty tears over Excel. LOOKUP requires data to be sorted in ascending order? Why didn’t you JUST FRICKIN’ SAY SO! 2 hrs lost…

Pretty Fancy

  • I need a cheap laptop- all it has to do is show me DVDs on Windows media and run excel.
  • Just calculated that I’ve spent over 15hrs in Excel since Saturday afternoon. The business world runs on XLSX files, that is certain.
  • I love the smell of Excel and Reports in the morning
  • thanking an irrational, imaginary deity for Excel (no, not Bill Gates who is very real)
  • I’m an excel chart badass! Not really, but I did feel pretty fancy for like, 5 seconds.

Mmmm…Excel Food

  • Planning turkey dinner for 25, using Excel spreadsheet with Gantt charts and pivot tables. Does it get any geekier than this?
  • playing with dry & fluid ounce conversions in an Excel spreadsheet. Yep, I’m a baking geek.


  • AC/DC’s video-in-Excel is great, but it raises an alarming question: how’d a generation of teenage stoners become accountants?

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