Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20091201

Millions of entries, thousands of rows, too many files. Sometimes Excel chokes on the numbers and sometimes it shocks us with its powers.

And I’ve had those pivot table brain cramps, but have never run into male and female cells.

Take a Nap

  • productivity would improve by 15% minimum if Office 2007 was capable of not crashing at the simplest graph & excel integration into ppt.
  • Five Excel docs of at least 130 rows each plus fourteen columns plus three sheets equals I’m taking a nap and I hate tables
  • Just accidentally opened up 20 Excel files and 6 PDFs at once. This is the computer equivalent of sneezing and farting at the same time.
  • My work computer just told me it’s 110% done with the update I installed. All I did was open Microsoft Excel…?

This Is Shocking

  • Amazing how I don’t even blink anymore when a 120k+ row Excel spreadsheet lands in my inbox
  • Entrepreneur Mag: don’t make people wade thru a grotesque excel with 37 tabs. Summarize. Use English. Promote understanding. (Brad Feld)
  • Excel is absolutely obliterating MATLAB at data processing right now, and for half a million entries. This is shocking to me.

Pivot Cramps

  • Reading "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain." Hoping NOT to induce a cramp on the left side & destroy ability to do Excel pivot tables.
  • I believe" PivotTable" is a registered trademark. "Pivot table" is not, but still very much synonymous with Excel.

Excel Question of the Day

  • #Excel Question: If I have a row where each cell is either Male or Female is there an easy way to make Excel total the amount of each?


P.S. To count specific values, you could summarize the data in a pivot table, or use the COUNTIF function.


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