Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20091224

Finally, it’s Christmas Eve, and all the shopping is done, presents are wrapped, and complicated toys are assembled. Time for you to curl up with a nice Excel spreadsheet, play a few games, and relax by the crackling fire.

Merry Christmas!

Excel Games

  • For those interested, MS Excel 95 had a code embedded in it that brought up a "Doom" styled game. ‘Twas called "The Hall of Tormented Souls"
  • you can always be overly-indie and experimental and start making games in excel.
  • There was just a question on The Weakest Link about Excel spreadsheets. I got it right.

Holiday Cheer

  • WHO doesn’t know how to sort in Excel?!? my CAT can SORT in Excel. Dear Santa, forget the toy – bring me a bottle of Cabo Wabo. Blue.
  • How did people organise Christmas dinner before the internet, excel speadsheets and cut and paste?
  • Doing accounts with Excel…feel like a 21st century Bob Cratchit
  • i am getting paid $15 an hour to talk about christmas, write names on file folders, and teach people how to use excel. god i love temp work!
  • LOL…they should run a special Excel class just to help ppl w/ their Xmas card lists! Every year it’s such a headache….

The Shopping Is Done

  • Is it just me? I feel like I need an excel spreadsheet or something to keep track of gifts purchased, shipping dates, arrival dates, etc.!!!
  • Big Family, 100+Gifts Color Coded Excel Spreadsheet 4 Christmas Gifts! Givers & Receivers, Bought, Wrapped, Ordered, Shipped, Almost Done!
  • I organized all our X-mas shopping into a multi-sheet spreadsheet in Excel. My wife claims this is "nerdy".
  • Enhanced the pivot table macro by updating embedded .exe to facilitate even speedier Xmas packing? Check. Laundry started? Hells no!


P.S. If you or your cat need help with those lists, see the Contextures page on Excel sorting.


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