Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20100216

Apparently, there are lots of cells on an Excel worksheet, and it’s tough to make them all the same size. I’ll bet the guy who created the Excel chess game has that little problem figured out!

  • So I created an Excel worksheet last night for house building options that includes conditional formatting and list validation. Geek much?
  • I’m doing socio-economic data analysis complete with excel data tables for fun… what is WRONG with me?
  • I’ve been there, problem is Excel is ‘agile’. It starts as a simple spreadsheet. Then it grows and grows
  • Hey, Windows Marketplace! If you’re going to give us sales reports in Excel xml format, at least mark date cells as "Date", not "String".
  • I can copy a 1MB file over the VPN in seconds, but Excel can’t open a 25KB spreadsheet in less than a minute? UGH.
  • Would love to have a word or two with the genius who decided to discard your undo history after saving a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel.
  • nothing worse than spending hours on an excel spreadsheet only to still be wrong, then the professor doing it in 15 minutes. Oh, Mondays.
  • After 60 day free trial Excel – Microsoft requested $500.00 to purchase. Installed OO, spreadsheet and writer are excellent saved $$$
  • In a single tab of an Excel spreadsheet, there are 2.5 cells for each living person in the world.
  • has a really complex EXCEL sheet that he needs to make work. Anyone want a challenge. A successful result = cheesecake for you! 🙂 DM me
  • Pushing Excel’s limits – a chess games viewer in xl http://bit.ly/cPKUEz superb work by @excelhero
  • Ohhh, yeah, I get what ya mean. Just spent like forever trying to figure it out. Excel’s weird with pie charts xD
  • Monster excel keeps me awake for one more night. I reiterate, there’s nothing as wretched in the world as a spreadsheet.
  • This seems like a stupid question but how in the world can I make all of the cells in an excel sheet the same size?


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