Excel Twitters 20100219
Was your Excel day full of bathroom colours, drab charts, angry fruit salad and stapler fights, like these tweeters? Maybe your day was better, with fabulous pivot tables and formula problems solved. Undo can save the day too, if you remember to use it in time, and it would be nice to hear some cheering occasionally!
- Great story of one job seeker who, with the help of 100 contacts (and Excel), found his next job http://bit.ly/aKjE7g
- of course, it could also be the metalcore music that’s making me angry, but it’s probably excel
- That’s nothing. I had a friend that had a website built using Microsoft Excel!
- Spent the day fighing w/ the world’s worst stapler & Excel software that just doesn’t wanna work. #mysuperglamorousfashioninternlife
- Typical: clicking Excel 2007 ribbon button "View Side by Side" brings the sheets up over/under. #msfail #fail
- showed me how to make graphs in Excel last night. Am now making line graphs for every possible collection of data I can think of.
- Definitely just lied to this lady and told her I knew how to use Access & Excel :/ Who wants to volunteer to teach me in less than 48hrs??
- At least Excel 2007/8 ditched the "1970’s bathroom" color scheme for the graphs…
- I wish Excel graphs were sexy. They are so drab and dismal. How can I impress someone with great data when it looks so darn glum?
- Spreadsheet comp: ALL suck. Excel wins (on features, not on UX). OO.org calc: 2nd (best pivot tables), Numbers.App: 4th out of 3.
- Can Excel sreadsheets become self aware? I swear this one spreadsheet is fighting me and building upon itself, secret code in the background
- Basic spreadsheet concept is sound, but interaction model dates back to 1980s. Throw in a few MS quirks, and you have Excel.
- Figured out a formula in Excel that accomplishes hours of work in one keystroke. Yay for the powa of Excel!
- Spent way too long trying to write a certain function in Excel…finally settled on a work around. It feels like cheating.
- Remember the days when you couldn’t "Undo" an error in Excel or Lotus? Man, I just would have lost about 5 days worth of work….whew!
- Took me ONE HOUR just to figure out how to put my data in Excel so that a chart would look right. I have a PhD, people. ARG.
- I have mastered the clustered-stacked column chart. What you got now, Excel?
- Excel, you suck. Instead of offering a workaround for Gantt charts, why don’t you allow users to make a Gantt chart outright?
- Just discovered Pivot Tables in Excel. Greatest. Things. Ever. How the hell did I miss these?
- Looking for an Excel guru. Not someone who can whip up a formula. I’m talking heavy guru. Pivot tables, the works. DM me.
- Excel: Put stuff in, use some functions, create "pretty" graphs, maybe some pivot tables, save, have coffee. What’s to know?
- I get odd looks for my pastels. Excel’s standard colors are butt ugly. I hate spreadsheets that look like angry fruit salad.
- The Doors can make anything kind of trippy – even formatting an Excel worksheet. Thank you Jim Morrison.
- Microsoft Excel needs encouraging Easter egg. Upon reaching the 1000th row of any worksheet, clapping and cheering sounds must play.
- Finally cracked an excel formula problem I have been pondering for a year
(I could have checked the manual, but that’s another story…)
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