Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20100303

Are fancy-dancy charts better or worse than professional looking charts? You should know the answer to that if you’re going to attract the ladies with your incredible Excel skills. But maybe the fashion designer who uses Excel will be impressed.

  • I’d like to conclude now that Excel is idiot proof. Unfortunately, most of the people in my I.T. class are far beyond “idiot”.
  • OK my current version of Excel has fewer features than my previous version. What’s with that eh Ballmer?
  • Although my awesomeness was impacted when I tried to show him my spreadsheet & found that Excel had eaten every single piece of my data.
  • Ok then, hot water tank sounds like my work pc trying to run excel, and the fridge is making Tardis like noises. Exterminate.
  • I thought Excel was my biggest enemy… but then I met Salesforce.
  • Ha me too. We always get questions about Excel. I’m like yeah um please hold.
  • Tech Night is coming up this Thursday March 4 @ The Lewes Library!! We will be discussing MS Excel.. yeah I know.. I didn’t pick the topic..
  • i always knew that, some day, i was going to somehow attract the ladies through my incredible excel skills. i think today may be that day.
  • I’ve done a 200row excel before.
  • My keyboard and I are NOT on good terms with Excel 2007. Just give me unlimited rows and I’ll take 2003 back. #FB
  • Don’t you just hate it when you click the wrong thing in Excel and a mahooosive spreadsheet needs to recalculate
  • I’m sure that this is all wrong, but I’m plopping it into an Excel spreadsheet and calling it done. WHATEVA!
  • For those that think Google Spreadsheet is equiv to MS Excel. You need to learn Excel for more than just a table you could build in Word.
  • “is that in access?” uh no – that’s an excel spreadsheet w/ filters & pivot tables. “oh, looks like access” #headdesk
  • I work in Excel all day and when clients are using 2003 I want to break their fingers. Get with the times people.
  • Fashion designer Eugenia Kim uses Microsoft Excel to design her collection. How does this work?!? http://bit.ly/9iusbN
  • Microsoft Excel has gone rogue…completing my work tasks has become quite the endeavor!
  • And?? If one more person tells me “Excel is broken – the formula doesn’t work!” I’m going to scream!
  • You just don’t know how to use #Excel properly. Mostly that’s why people hate something. They can’t understand it!
  • Are there any sites where I can find ‘fancy-dancy’ comparison chart templates for excel?


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  1. “Are fancy-dancy charts better or worse than professional looking charts?”

    Unfortunately too many people don’t know the difference.

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