Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20100313

What makes you crazy in Excel? Formulas that show different results for “identical” data? Bubble charts? Excel 2007? Pie charts? Shades of puce? So many possibilities, so little time.

  • Just got to work…I will now proceed to put x’s in various Excel spreadsheet cells for the next three hours. Get to leave at 12 though 🙂
  • I swear Excel is trying to kill me. Identical data, one spreadsheet counts 46, the other counts 50. Aaaargh! I’m melting!
  • Struggling with a IF THEN ELSE in Excel … How the brain can fade when not used for a while !!!
  • At least she has 2 names. If u write Madonna in excel sheet- do u put it in 1st or last name column..either way messes w/ the SORT
  • I’m thinking about making the jump to Excel 2007 from 2003 at work. Finally starting to be more painful to use 2003 due to others using 2007
  • Learned something new: 1st step in creating a correct chart in excel: put the data on the right axes. This would save so much time. T_T
  • Whoa. Excel genius at work just blew my mind making a graph using bubbles. Everything looks like the solar system. Magic.
  • Colleague points to his screen & shows me that the cursor in Excel moving along the screen. I point to the folder resting on his space bar.
  • Uh-oh – I conquered Mount Excel & built the amazing spreadsheet, but it’s so awesome it can’t get enough juice to run. That sucks!
  • Could be worse, they could be deciding which shade of puce means really nearly really done in an excel spreadsheet
  • my manager dont even knw how to work on excel…dat is basic ….gawwd
  • thanks to MS excel now i wait for the words to auto complete in… notepad!! #sigh
  • Just managed to "break excel"… from the mouth of our spreadsheet guru! I’m quite proud of that! Jeremy 1, Microsoft 0!
  • Guy nearby calling help desk about how excel changed his column headings from letters to numbers is God’s way of telling me to go home.
  • I DID IT! Finally my life has meaning. I’ve created the most beatiful and functional Excel Spreadsheet EVER!!! I can rest in peace.
  • These are all in Excel 2003 format, because Excel 2007 is a hideous monstrosity that should have been strangled at birth.
  • nerd alert: i just made an excel spreadsheet of movies i’ve seen so far this year, complete with ratings.
  • Boss called today, ecstatic, proclaiming I had ‘a job for life’ after doing an ok job at a simple excel spreadsheet. Why bother with uni?
  • Excel just recovered a spreadsheet last saved the 1st of January 1601 at 00:00:01. That’s efficiency!
  • If you stare too long into the Excel, the Excel will stare back into you. Insanity is but a pie chart away.


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