Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20101014

image Is E. E. Cummings still alive and tweeting? Or are people just too tired to press the Shift key when they type "I"? Or maybe it’s a tribute to iTunes.

  • Dang. iTunes has jumped Excel on my Most Used Programs list. Apparently I need to get back to work.
  • Welcome to my world. Have to tried pivot tables yet? Whole ‘nother hell. looking at an excel spreadsheet hurts my eyes…
  • This report will not conquer me. I will win the war, spreadsheet!!! Victory is on the horizon! A pox upon thee, Excel. #clearlylostmymind
  • This is just my clients being lazy. They think it’s practical to use Excel tables to format byzantine things like "paragraphs".
  • I hate it when people write letters and other text documents in Excel format. #engineers
  • Counted all the tomatoes. Weighed them all too (all season.) All logged to a spreadsheet by day harvested and variety.
  • …this will entail 2 hours of someone showing me which fields to complete in an Excel spreadsheet …
  • I’ve used excel for many years now, but I still love finding new shortcuts and tricks! #littlethingsinlife #ftw
  • I don’t really know if I use Pivot Tables properly in Excel 2010 but it’s really easy to get useful data out of massive text logs
  • The Tron remakes was to be set inside a giant Excel spreadsheet but they realised all the tiny electronic people would just kill themselves.
  • i have an excel spreadsheet. thats the only way i can keep my life in order. i still manage to miss things 🙁
  • i used to write programs in excel to get around our schools software policy
  • i need someone to explain to me like im a toddler what a pivot table is. or i need someone to do this for me.
  • Anyone have a good song about living in spreadsheet land?
  • Poof! there went the completed spreadsheet. oops
  • Who knows how to put in a 3D pie chart on Excel??
  • Major panic attack. I broke excel. for a moment. no keyboard shortcuts – not happening bud. a vba problem I found a fix for. 2 hrs later.
  • Thanks British gas for your energy smart meter, you’ve successfully made me EVEN more anal. Pass me excel, I need to do a chart.


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