Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20101220

image How was your weekend? Did your Excel workbooks help with the Christmas planning and best album charting? Or were you driven insane by Excel’s crashes and beach balls? Hmmm…from the end, a beach ball looks just like a pie chart!

  • I love using excel to make things easier to visualize and understand! (p.s. i just cut someones process time from 2 hrs to 20-30 minutes)
  • did I break the server? All I wanted to do was "save" an Excel spreadsheet :/
  • Friday evening on to some galactic excel spreadsheet action and extremely glad there’s cold beer in the office fridge #now
  • As soon as Excel stops beach balling I’m going to save my last hour of work.
  • excited about having family in our home all week! I made a spreadsheet of each day’s menu & possible fun activities w the kids #typeAwannabe
  • PERFECT WAY TO PROCRASTINATE: make a massive bowl spreadsheet in excel. looks like i am crunching huge amounts of data. #nooneknowsthetruth
  • Re-discovered an amazing Excel spreadsheet I programmed last year! Simple, yet remarkably useful 🙂 #ILoveProgramming
  • Day two of working with a huge excel spreadsheet. Number of times computer crashed (just today) = 3 Number of curse words uttered = 843
  • Dear Excel and my crappy work network. Please stop having ugly, time consuming tantrums complete with silent games.
  • The Christmas Excel spreadsheet is getting too big for my liking…
  • I’m updating the Excel spreadsheet that tells me which #StarWars books I need to buy and where they’re cheapest. Yep, that much of a nerd.
  • Whew~! Spent almost the whole day creating & coding stupid excel file for accounts stuff. Blah I hate copy&paste… Aching fingers!! #fb
  • I am currently being driven insane by #excel 2007
  • So that’s what you’re supposed to use Excel for. http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/12/17/chart-the-best-albums-of-2010/
  • Excel spreadsheet formula that worked so beautifully yesterday, why do you now forsake me?
  • I can’t find any compelling arguments that MS Excel (or any spreadsheet) is Turing complete. Any thoughts?
  • This Excel workbook is destorying my will to live.


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