Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20110214

image Happy Valentine’s Day! Some tweeters spent a romantic weekend with Excel, and others seem to be falling out of love with spreadsheets.

  • Just created an excel function to calculate how many Diet Mt. Dew I drink based on how many hours I work that day. Beat that.
  • I am a Pivot Table GOD! (and Prince of VLOOKUP)
  • just spent over an hour inputting 40 questionnaires into excel.. it is mind numbingly boring #fml
  • At both work and home, Excel is at the top of my Start Menu. I’m not sure what that says about me, but I’m not sure I like it.
  • I spent a good few hours making a solid Excel accounting spreadsheet. Went to try it on Mac and macros aren’t supported. :-((
  • Reading this spreadsheet is bumming me out more than Tess of the D’Urbivilles did. £350 into a financial black hole.
  • I woke up in a fantastic mood but the longer I stay indoors staring at this excel spreadsheet the worse I feel 🙁
  • I busted my ass compiling data for this giant master spreadsheet for two days. My boss’s response? "I like the pastel colors." Eff off.
  • I’m so fed up with Microsoft Excel! Stupid macros.. Stupid VBs!
  • Lady on my team just whipped out an Excel spreadsheet with over 20,000 lines! Not to mention the pivot tables and such… #gasp
  • My boss calls me into his office just so I can show him some shortcuts for Microsoft Excel. I find this so funny.
  • Doing work on a saturday yet again. Excel charts are becoming a lifestyle staple.
  • There aren’t enough hours in the day to work out Excel macros.
  • I need to step my Excel game up in a major way. Advice?
  • Telling potential MBA programs that my greatest career achievement is a series of Excel pivot tables is extremely depressing, humbling.
  • Evening dreamin’ about waking up w/o an alarm tomorrow. And not touching a powerpoint or spreadsheet all day long.
  • After 1.5 yrs of tasting beers on a regular basis, finally entering everything into a spreadsheet. Learning "meh" is not a tasting note.
  • but most (all?) of those spreadsheet horrors were human error … can’t blame Excel and friends for that … even if I want to.
  • Dear pivot table, no offense but I’m not sure I like u right now!


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