Excel Twitter 20110222
Sure, Excel can be slower than a 2-thumb BlackBerry tweet, but if you’re spending 4498748 hours on homework, there might be a problem!
- I just use a spreadsheet, personally I use open office but if you’re posh you might have Excel already?
- Perhaps someday I’ll be proficient enough with Oracle analytic functions that I won’t have to rely upon Excel pivot tables…
- Ive been on this same Excel homework problem for like 4498748 hours lol I hate this crap, I dont need to learn it..Ill pay someone to.
- #excel. you’re too complicated for me ;|
- It’s monday morning I got to work in 7 mins and get to start a new Spreadsheet – it doesnt get much better than that ! ( I assume )
- Overwhelmed with the decisions to be made and the constraints for each. My life should not require a spreadsheet.
- I have no life. my work life consists of my computer screen and excel spreadsheets. no love. 🙁
- My spreadsheet is so big, that changing autofilter from "custom" to "all" takes longer than a 2-thumb blackberry tweet. About 10x longer #fb
- Putting together a spreadsheet of potential new residences. Distance from @Wegmans has its own column… What?
- Once more into the Excel spreadsheet – 6 features, 3 countries, 4 weeks, 4 flights, 4 trains, 1 driver, countless hotels and taxis #Asia
- I don’t think I’ll ever grow tired of creating a #PivotTable in #Excel and watching patterns emerge #DataIsCool
- You can fill #Excel with groceries, but can you get it to drive to the store and buy them? http://bit.ly/fvLDQJ
- Oh Excel, you are so important, yet deep down inside I hate you passionately.
- I just created an excel spreadsheet for my blog to help me keep track of posting on a regular basis. #blog
- Project burn down tables and charts done using Excel data connection to SQL Server and my number one favourite formula SUMPRODUCT #calvis
- Can’t open an excel file because it is being used by a user…. which was actually me (according to excel). *rage* #FML
- Made an Excel spreadsheet that, when names and scores per turn are input, will output Total and Average Score per player. Dork win!
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