Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20110711

image It was a weekend packed with Excel fun, and the occasional argument, settled by a pie chart.

  • Created an Excel spreadsheet so I can keep golf scores easily on my phone. I heart #WP7
  • Saturday Night. Knee deep in an Excel Spreadsheet. Living the dream!
  • They giving out degrees for learning how to work excel in church. #really
  • This excel worksheet is so big it’s crashing my computer #firstworldproblems
  • If I get drunk I won’t see excel charts in my head anymore
  • has done the Excel system nr 1 and sent it to the boss. Now getting ready (in the middle of the night) for tomorrow’s wedding. Not mine.
  • got bored at work so made a macros labyrinth connecting all my excel sheets using the company logo…so many buttons
  • I just want to thank Excel pivot tables for everything you do for me #realtalk
  • I’m amazed how #R forced me to think, brainstorm and think again. Dropping #Excel was a good decision.
  • Its very very obvious you’re an #Excel nerd when you are teaching your girlfriend the various functions on a sunday evening πŸ˜› πŸ˜€
  • I was getting overwhelmed too. I made a spreadsheet actually. It helped me feel more organized, less stressed.
  • It’s kind of hard to exert your testosterone on an excel spreadsheet. – Shawn Baird
  • Learned how to work Microsoft Excel so I could use pie charts to win arguments with the wife
  • Just figured out (on my own) my very first ‘if’ formula #smallthings #excel #geek
  • Pivot table looks funny if you look at it too long. Heh. Heh heh. Pivot table. Pivot. I think my brain is fried.


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