Excel Twitter 20110729
Should a spreadsheet last forever? Maybe not, but get rid of it when it starts to smell dirty.
- I’m creating sales thermometers and tachometers in Excel today. I love my job!
- I should not be this proud of a completed Excel spreadsheet.
- …just overheard my 50 year old boss refer to a color coded excel spreadsheet as "dude, this is tight." No. No.
- Completed my first real pivot table in Excel, making me now *officially* a Sales Ops guy.
- And my vlookup skills save the day again. #excel
- Convinced I am allergic to excel charts.
- The dreaded end of month paper work looms close by.. i can smell the dirty excel spreadsheet monster from here
- The fact that I can enter numbers into an excel spreadsheet w/o looking at the key pad makes me upset lol….#nobutreally
- Boss just put a huge stack of papers on my desk and said put this in excel #MBN
- Had a nightmare about a spreadsheet. C’mon, Subconscious. Give me something good.
- excel spreadsheet is the last thing i want to hear from my boss’ mouth. UGH
- I love nothing more than someone with above average excel skills- I heart pivot tables. What did you do? Xx
- it’s sad how happy Excel can make me. I have a workbook for just about every project I do. At work. And for my wedding. DORKS UNITE.
- Vlookup isn’t a mystery anymore. Pivot tables have been sorted. .. Just a couple of Excel breakthroughs for me this week.
- A well designed spreadsheet should stand the test of time. Do the work once, enjoy and relax forever.
- Why do I always come up with complicated ways to sort my data when the only answer is a pivot table?! I think too much.
- This pivot table assignment it’s like a game. Click here, click there. Drag here, drag there.
- Someday when i get bored here at work, i’m going to make some plaid in excel. Why? Because i can. Muahahaha.
- Had a lovely meeting with the boss today! Ice coffee and Excel calculations in a cute Cafe! This is how I like to work:-)
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