Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20120423

imageSome people are using Excel to keep track of their online dating, and beauty products. I’d rather have old people problems, like poorly formatted forms.

  • My boss just perked up when I said “pivot table”. #NERDALERT
  • If pivot tables were a source of sustainable nutrition I wouldn’t need to eat for a week. Holy freaking Excel day. #I‘mHungry
  • Who wakes up a 3am on a Saturday because they had an idea about an Excel chart???? me. thats who.
  • I reactivated my twitter just to ask if anyone knows how to make a damn graph on excel,help me!!!
  • Joey made fun of me bc I keep an Excel spreadsheet of my fav beauty products… Ok, so I’m a nerd for beauty, so what?! >;[
  • I wish I could write Excel Macros like a boss. My job would be so much easier.
  • The moment of horror when Excel unexpectedly shuts down your chem lab with 27 different graphs. #saveitplease
  • I wish I could put the contents of my closet into a pivot table.
  • finally figured out scroll lock was on after a day of manually clicking between excel cells because arrows “didn’t work” #fml
  • Poorly formatted Excel forms at work annoy me to no end. I don’t know why people signed off on this crap. #oldpeopleproblems
  • Nothing more frustrating than working in an Excel spreadsheet where every cell has a live URL in it. Right click+R, you are my new bff.
  • Open Excel. Give the file a name, save it. That’s my dating spreadsheet.
  • My boss accidentally showed an excel sheet with all our names listed PLUS a column called “Observed Behavior”. Time to update resume.
  • Am I the only one who has an Excel spreadsheet of all the artists/songs/albums I’ve ever liked since the age of 12? This is why I’m a loser.


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