Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20130225

imageIf your Excel worksheets are filled with Macho Man Randy Savage information, it might not be a shortcut to your boss’ heart.

  • had a dream in microsoft excel last night in which I walked my boss through 50 tabs of formulas and work. My dreams are too literal
  • Just learned there’s a to-do list workbook on excel. Today’s going to be a good day!! It’s the little things, people!
  • Must look intelligent with these excel spreadsheets and graphs all over my laptop on the train, shame I have no clue
  • Yes, offering to make a snazzy Excel chart is a brilliant idea when you don’t know how Excel charts work. Over-eager me…
  • Hope my boss never discovers the excel spreadsheet I’ve been working on all month is just a list my favorite Macho Man Randy Savage moments.
  • I wrote about a girl colouring in squares on graph paper to avoid doing her maths homework. Then I opened up Excel and did the same thing.
  • I’ve decided I wouldn’t like my job to be televised to millions. "Here’s Harris, with a wonderful pivot table" :-/
  • my mom just complained about how my dad wasn’t believing how cool her excel worksheet is… #typicaldelchers
  • Somewhere in Microsoft, there’s an excel spreadsheet somewhere with a list of certificates and expiry dates that nobody is looking at
  • "All signs PowerPoint to Yes!" , "Life is a pivot table" , "My text is Justified" #msofficemusical
  • Does anyone know if there is an Excel shortcut to my boss’s heart?
  • This excel spreadsheet is playing my life…I just know my formualas are correct -_-
  • I wonder if I could code a Macro in time that’d do my entire Excel exam for me.
  • Best thing i’ve done since getting up – helping eldest make graphs on excel (not being sarcastic, I really enjoyed helping her)
  • Just finished an Excel spreadsheet about coffee shop quarterly sales that was WILD! You should have SEEN this dope pie chart I made! #pumped
  • Doing an excel spreadsheet for my boss in colours of the rainbow, i hope he likes it, shame i couldnt add a scent #work
  • Dam, stupid excel giving me false hope.
  • How could I ever make a decision without an Excel spreadsheet? #dependent


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