Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20130510

back to the futureYou might have to wait 20 minutes or 20 years, or go Back to the Future with Biff, eventually something exciting will happen in Excel.

  • This excel spreadsheet can do formulas I don’t understand. Not long until the robots take over.
  • "Minor loss of fidelity" reports MS Excel… as long as my spreadsheet works, I don’t care what it gets up to after hours.
  • Solved the Excel problem on the train with a little help from Daft Punk. Feel like an absolute champion, nobody here to celebrate with.
  • Would like to thank my pivot table for counting the data rather than adding it together for the last 3 months. #excelrelatedrage
  • Excel, if you’re going to lock up my whole computer while you run a 20 minute long script, at least have the decency to work first time!
  • How about instead of "pivot table field name is not valid" say "rename your columns". This simple fix is nowhere to be found on MS site
  • I am the smartest man alive! After using Excel for 20+ years, I finally learned how to scale a large worksheet to fit on one printed page.
  • That chill down ur spine when Excel prompts "Wanna save changes to this spreadsheet" and u could swear u didnt make any changes! #banking
  • Spending my night with excel…pivoting away. #work
  • Hmm…my code just threw a BiffException. I’m picturing 1955 Biff telling my Excel file to make like a tree and get out of here
  • I wonder if you can get an electronic picture frame that shows tabs of an excel spreadsheet.
  • And as I arrive to row 984 of an Excel spreadsheet, Spotify shifts to "I Can’t Make You Love Me" and the office AC crescendos
  • I don’t even know if excel is the best way to do this. It’s what my boss wants – I’m not an excel wizard and Google isn’t helping.
  • there is no way an excel spreadsheet will put a smile like that on your face. just sayin.
  • Which one of you nerd–I mean good people can help me with an Excel problem? This is time sensitive.
  • Dinner (toast w/peanut butter) and a spreadsheet. Yep that’s how I roll #jealous?
  • Things you learn at 2 am- you can identify brain regions that aid in the production of anxiety but can’t work excel. #finals
  • In other news, Excel class was cancelled today. No hope of me making any complicated pivot tables tonight. I know you’re disappointed.


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