Excel Twitter 20150327
How long have you been making Excel charts? Do you still find them maddening? Or are you busy building pivot tables, and writing formulas, on a super slow Mac?
This Week’s Tweets
- I judge people at the office by their ability to use a pivot table.
- So now I’m known as the “excel queen” at work… I mean I would rather be the queen of something cooler but I’ll take it ??
- Spending more time making graphs on excel look pretty then doing the actual work behind them…
- In my new life, I’ve mostly embraced spreadsheets, pivot tables, knotty budgets, labyrinthine formulas…but excel charts?! #fittobetied
- You can tell a lot about an engineer based on how eloquently they work in Excel.
- When you start an Excel course and there is someone in the room who is struggling with opening a workbook. #longdayahead
- One excel graph just took me an hour and it still doesn’t look right. I hate u chem and misleading directions
- Today has done me over! If i never use a pivot table again it’ll be too soon! #busy #placement #business ??????
- Types in Youtube: How to make a simple graph in Excel… ‘Cause I don’t know how
- I’ve been making #Excel charts nearly 20 yrs, yet “Overlap” and “Gap width” are STILL maddening nonsense to me.
- Sometimes I think Microsoft intentionally made Excel work super slow on Macs…
- Guys, I successfully made a pivot table and organized a bunch of data. SUCCESS. Human:1, computer:0 #sortof
- Don’t buy a fancy graphics or dashboard solution if you already own excel and don’t do this already. The hard work is getting clean data.
- My mom will not know what hit her when I give her my excel spread sheet with 3D charts and tables explaining my need for a pair of all stars
- Having to work in an excel sheet with inconsistently merged cells but without the permission to change them. This is the 10th circle of hell
- When you have to debug code that worked perfectly 4 weeks ago and you successfully imported from an excel worksheet and now it’s like nah
- My computer just gave me the BSOD right after I spent an hour setting up this Excel workbook. Do I give up now?
- Things I’ve learned to appreciate since starting work: free food, bathroom breaks, excel formulas
This Week’s Tweets By
thomasrafael, T_Keyrose07, R_Fozzle, vlryan, MikeIngmanson, tracymarkham, nikkipedonee, HannahGrenfell, meggiewegsss, dhchait, JasonPeck, kelllyzhou, mattberan, LeratoDikhing, MachineDynamics, Berneau_Berns, TheBrianMarks, sherrybearie