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Are you too fabulous to work in Excel? Can you build a pivot table without using any adult language?

I'm too fabulous to work in Excel all day http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets

  • Wowsers just did my first pivot table and it worked without using adult language. A FIRST for me!
  • I’m doing a GANTT chart in Excel. Living the dream, folks. Send help. Am being coerced.
  • My work seems out to prove that my claim of ‘knowing excel’ was a miserable joke.
  • If punching numbers into excel at work today doesn’t make me an adult, I think receiving my 8th parking ticket does. #RealWorld
  • just changed a $0.0 to look like a $0 in an excel graph without changing the other numbers and i feel like a computer programer now
  • There’s not many things as intimidating as a blank excel worksheet and the freedom to do whatever with it. Ideas rip. ;/
  • My boss just explained how to use the ‘sum’ function in Excel. I think if someone were raised by wolves in the wild they’d be like ‘duuh’.
  • When the interviewer knows you are proficient in excel cause you said the word pivot table
  • If you deal with Excel. I guess you should save your work every hour.
  • Code name for Excel was Odyssey. #sems15
  • My pivot table strategy; Drag the fields around arbitrarily until it resembles something that makes sense.
  • You know you work to much when you dream about metrics projects and excel spreads ????
  • Barry Galileo; “The hallmark of good literature is at least one paragraph explaining how the protagonist uses an Excel pivot table” #awf15
  • I have been a professional bureaucrat for 20 years, and I made my first pivot table today. I feel a numbingly boring sense of accomplishment
  • i color code my excel spreadsheets to seem important
  • I hate excel! Why the hell do I work in a field that uses excel so much. If I enter one more formula that doesn’t work today I’ll lose it
  • So you can apparently have 64 sort levels within an excel worksheet. How massive is your file to need that many levels!
  • I’m too fabulous to work at a desk job & crunch numbers in Excel all day

This Week’s Tweets By

msweeny, zola_the_gorgon, sopho_phile, heytherewolf, besthatever, blackthorngirl1, driftwoodcoon, tommyveggies, wugglersaurus, richpaige, chriseng, AmandaaLynnP, shacklemore, Roninspoon, FlatSprite, kekivill, pattygilliam, pandaexpress14

I'm too fabulous to work in Excel all day http://exceltheatre.com/blog/


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