Excel Humor

Excel Twitters 20161104

Are you saying “Thanks!” to the gods of Excel, or “Not today!”. And is it Pearl Jam, or lack of pivot tables, that will eventually kill you?

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • Thank god for Excel pivot tables. It’s likely I would be dead without them
  • when you lay in bed trying to sleep and suddenly solve the problem you had in excel 9 hours earlier.
  • I’m trying to re-write excel code but my coworker is listening to Pearl Jam and I want to die
  • Excel you so stupid. You know very well I didn’t mean to copy a blank cell.
  • Excel is maxing out 4 processors to create a pivot table on 300,000 rows of data. And 50 years ago we went to the moon with a calculator
  • I’ve been staring at this excel workbook and decided that I’m not a magician.
  • I love how excel keeps crashing from using copy/paste. This is totally not slowing down my day and driving me insane #gamedesign #gamedev
  • Dreamt about my excel spreadsheet I need to complete at work today… any tips on how to #switchoff
  • Yeah you’re basically set for life if you learn how to troubleshoot office macros and update excel code for new versions.
  • Under 23y.o.;Excel is stupid, like, what is the point?Over 23y.o.; Marry me, Excel, you beautiful, organised creature.
  • i saw a man wearing a shirt that said “i simply” & underneath it was the icon for microsoft excel. i love college (& puns)
  • I made a really long, complicated formula work in Excel today and I AM ON TOP OF THE WORLD.
  • it deleted all my work and the pivot table I may or may not be yelling and sobbing while a confused dog stares at me
  • I wish there was an excel function to solve every problem in my life
  • And as the excel sheet refreshed data for the 1000th time, he looked at the pivot tab and said “not today”

This week's best Excel tweets http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.


















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This Week’s Tweets By

Nikita Biryukov, Ben S. Pumpkins, Gracie, BOO!-dy, Not Frank, Charms The Rapper, Ethan Levy, Davina Kumal, Against Police Judge, Muscovado, Nicole Bloodgood, SIQ™, papadopoulos, Connor Quinn, Austin Flaherty



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