Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20170127

Don’t feel stupid, and please stop crying. Google and YouTube will help you solve your Excel problems. But if that doesn’t work, just lie down, or go back to pen and paper.

Dear Excel, please run faster, I have work to do http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • I’m convinced every problem in the world can somehow be solved with an excel spreadsheet..if only I knew how to use it better #magic
  • Feeling stupid. When did excel become so complicated. Back to pen and paper it is then
  • I’ve just created my first ever pivot table. I’d like to thank God, google, youtube and my frantic fingers
  • Just made a monthly expenses chart on Excel. If that doesn’t scream adulthood, I don’t know what does.
  • somedays, I feel like Excel should just pivot for me when I open a file….#adtech
  • excel is really only good for two things; not having to lie on job apps and making people feel stupid.
  • i feel like crying. i spent so much time on my excel workbook and all it takes to ruin it is one touch from my teacher
  • If one day the crazy pills don’t work, Google “Excel regex” and find a safe space. Then search “Google sheets regex” and get on with life.
  • I’ve been at work for 25 minutes and already Excel has crashed twice.
  • That joyous feeling when you manage to make a pivot table work on a Thursday afternoon. #excel #reporting
  • Can’t believe how much time I just wasted b/c I was trying to insert an object into an Excel cell. Stupid vague Excel interop errors…
  • just spent an hour making a pivot table and chart in Excel that would have taken me two minutes ten years ago. now I need a lie down.
  • I’ve been officially tagged as the “Excel Guru” in my group at work. Now I have no other option but to quit.
  • Teaching myself how to create pivot tables in Excel has been a productive use of my time. 10/10 would recommend.
  • Dear excel, please run faster, I have work to do.

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.

















Dear Excel, please run faster, I have work to do http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

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This Week’s Tweets By

Hayden Houdek, Sandra Lowe, Ben Bone, Karishma Bhimani, Alan Edgett, neil mccauley, Theresa Ann, Kendrick Arnett, Laura Kay, Emma Kirkman, Dog, ClaireAdy, kacy, Jenn, Kaylarrrg



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