Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20171215

Do you think about your Excel skills every year at Christmas time? Or are you too busy colouring your pivot tables, and looking for hidden columns?

Happy holidays, and come back for more Excel tweets in January!

When you solve an Excel problem on your first try http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • Could I get that pivot table in cornflower blue?
  • What kind of sick person creates an excel spreadsheet for me to work off of but just sends me a SCREENSHOT instead of the actual file?
  • I just realized my replacements at work are not Excel people. Good luck with that.
  • Life’s simple joys: learning how to make an Excel Gantt chart Life displeasures: procrastinates other work modifying Gantt chart
  • Just figured out excel can figure out biz dates between 2 dates with =networkdays(1st date, 2nd date). I love excel.
  • when you assume you finished your work on an excel sheet and find out that there was about hundreds of hidden columns …
  • In other news, I find it easier to work out excel if/then statements on paper before putting them in the spreadsheet.
  • taking this training caused me to realize that i do a LOT of work in Excel
  • When is the default Excel pivot table layout ever useful? In 4 years of actuarial work, I haven’t seen a single scenario where it’s more useful than Classic.
  • Every Christmas I recognize the need to work on my Excel skills. #annualtraditions
  • When you’re filling out a complicated excel spreadsheet and your numbers are way out of balance and you figure out the problem on your first try:
  • I never think I’d enjoy being a developer… and then I get a formula to work in excel and I’m like
  • i’m torn between making this excel file super simple to use for others (and also myself), or just complex enough so that i’ll be the only one who knows how to use it, and work will be forced to keep me forever.
  • Dear Excel, Do you know what I NEVER want you to do? Autofit column widths on a pivot table update.Best regards,Tim
  • I started an excel spreadsheet for work and now I’m just staring at it because I’m so proud of myself.

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.

















When you solve an Excel problem on your first try http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

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This Week’s Tweets By

Janet, Holli, Scoop John B, INTSIKOY, Casey Ames, basma altwejri, Dani , The Su, Alan Johnson, Suzan Bartee, Tapas Shango, David Spinks , Katy, Tim Wilson, Lauren


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