Excel Humor

Excel Tweets Roundup 20180223

If Excel raises your blood pressure, don’t overdo it on the Red Bull, or the colour coding. Just tell yourself that Excel is mystical, and we may never understand it.

When Excel freezes and you haven’t saved for an hour

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • Slowly learning to love Excel…..slowly
  • My life resembles a non functioning #excel chart right now.. full of errors and i dunno where to start fixing it
  • Sometimes Excel is my favorite thing in the world and then other times I can literally feel my blood pressure rising as I can’t figure out how to get my dang formula to work for the last 15 minutes
  • Guys, I know I tweet about MS Excel constantly, but there is really something so satisfying about figuring out how to use it to solve some super complex or weird problem
  • would you believe it has taken me 3 (!!!!) hours to make this graph why do you need a degree to work excel
  • There is no worse feeling while sitting at work and Excel freezes and you haven’t saved in an hour
  • Geeked out for a full 8 minutes about pivot tables to my coworker today, so that’s where my obsession with Excel is at these days.
  • Can’t wait until someone develops the excel function where the worksheet does exactly what I want it to by simply dreaming it up in my head
  • All I’ve done today in work is open new excel spreadsheets , I have 5 blank spreadsheets currently open
  • Just found a way to get rid of the password protection on an excel spreadsheet at work, this is me now
  • We may never understand it. They are mystical and pragmatic. Dynasties have fallen over the pivot table.
  • I got to rekindle my awkward romance with #excel #vba . A lot of weird memories. I haven’t lost my touch for overengineering code, though.
  • If I ever start selling drugs, it’ll because I just can’t take having to work with Excel anymore. It’s really that bad!
  • Don’t wanna be the person this girl in my class is making a chore chart for. It is COLOR CODED y’all. She’s out here in EXCEL.
  • All jacked up on Red Bull ready to pivot table the hell out of excel sheets

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.

















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This Week’s Tweets By

Will Velida, Ibe, Mark Muha, Ishan Sethi, Lu, Brad Adams, Hannah, JT , Tasha rees, Horsetail-kun , Isaac, Dammit, Jim Catán, Killa Cam, Jaylen Young, Tanner Saarnio


When Excel freezes and you haven’t saved for an hour http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

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