Excel Humor

Excel Tweets Roundup 20180316

What would you rate your Excel skills, on a scale of 1 to 10? Eleven? Or would you like write a million words, and avoid Excel, because of your anger problems?

When somebody messes with your Excel formatting

This Week’s Tweets – Plain Text

Here are the tweets in plain text. The embedded tweets are below.

  • my mom just took me to work at 10PM to show her how to do something on excel.
  • Bro. I’ve had the last 3 days off work and i go back tomorrow and I’m not excited because my manager opened my excel docs and HIGHLIGHTED RANDOM THINGS. i have a specific system and he killed it. Idk who he thinks he is but I’m about to THROW HANDS in collections tomorrow.
  • I think I have to consider the possibility that I have a serious anger problem, she contemplated during day 2 of working on Microsoft Excel.
  • It took me 45 minutes to figure out a pivot table and people wonder why I’d rather just write a million words.
  • all the work in the world would look manageable if it was sorted on an excel sheet
  • There is a special, reserved hatred I hold for Excel for Mac.
  • Excel froze about 7 minutes ago and I’m just wondering how long I should wait before I end process and sacrifice my work to the CPU gods? @Office #Office365
  • Just when I thought my profession would never force me to do math… now I’m a manager using stupid excel codes
  • Putting borders around my work in excel makes me feel safe.
  • Sigh… I got burned by excel today. Due to some weird formatting, 90 cells in a defect list were hidden . Time for a crazy day of code editing lol
  • So exhausted, I don’t want to see an Excel workbook for 7000000 years
  • I once went into an interview and was asked to rate my Excel knowledge on a scale of 1 to 10, I said “I don’t know, 8?” and the immediate reply was “Oh yeah, what’s a pivot table?” I did not get the job.
  • Nerdiest thing I’ve ever said incoming: I love Microsoft excel. X
  • Overheard at the car wash: “I keep an Excel spreadsheet of all my favorite jokes and their punchlines open in the background at work, just in case.”
  • My Excel class told me to get creative with the chart…so I did…

This Week’s Tweets – Embedded

Here are the embedded tweets. The tweets in plain text are above.

















When somebody messes with your Excel formatting http://exceltheatre.com/blog/

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This Week’s Tweets By

Liz, Emilyy, nætəli, Autumn, Dren M. Pavia, pepperdaddyoutai, piebyPrincess π, Samm, Kaiti B, Schr4d3r, Baby, Ben Dudden , Parry, Trashley Nicole, Fastchevy


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