Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20100906

Happy anniversary to my parents! I’m glad they didn’t use a spreadsheet to figure out if they could afford me. I love making super organized, color coded spreadsheets. Don’t ask why. I love excel. I love the tiny boxes. I love formatting. <3 Apparently Pringles don’t help you finish your excel spreadsheet. Wish I would’ve…

Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20100902

This is the first that I’ve heard of a problem with British spreadsheets, or at least the people who create them. Maybe they’ve been afflicted with 3D Insanity. It’s official: My MacBook is useless and won’t even run excel anymore. Rich person problem. Microsoft PowerPivot: Making Excel Analytics Work http://bit.ly/dtWcdI Trying to show some excel…

Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20100825

Meetings, interviews, shonky data, and mad formulas — no wonder we’re losing brain cells! What do professional procrastinators do when they are trying to avoid doing work? Think about it – when you’ve finished that spreadsheet. it’s a problem of design, IMO: Excel allows one to do things which they really should not be doing…

Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20100823

Ah, George Costanza — now there’s someone you want to take career advice from. He probably measured his Excel charts with a real-life ruler too. Today I had to add a checkbox to an Excel spreadsheet. Tomorrow, contemplate life decisions that led me to this. Definitely Excel. The spreadsheet is the official computer application of…

Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20100820

Excel certainly brings out the violence in some people, but I’ve never heard of a death certificate being required before. Please, use your ninja Excel skills responsibly! Having a tedious day at work, transferring handwritten ledgers into excel…I really wouldn’t blame you for unfollowing me after this. Amazed @ the # of people who can’t…

Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20100813

Now that you mention it, that spreadsheet does look like it was attacked by a psychedelic snail. curse you excel charts, internet research, and the burrito i had for lunch! >:O I found a disturbing excel formula used in a report at work =IF(AK47>0,"Deceased","") – no, we don’t sell AK47s Spreadsheet programming sucks. Like, totally….