Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20130517

Would you rather have a spreadsheet full of statistics, or one with film choices? Been at work 30 minutes and already locked up my Excel spreadsheet #goingtobealongday OMG, IS EXCEL STUPID OR STUBBORN?! stop changing my 1/3 into 1-mar!!!! i’m not typing the date!!!!!!!! :@@ My bosses love my excel spreadsheet checks: =IF(J15<TODAY(),"error: come on…

Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20130405

Macros will not explode your Excel workbooks (usually!), and they are more impressive than Lucky Charms shapes. Dang. Just received an #Excel workbook that puts all mine to shame. #funwithdata #nerdalicious The highlight of my day was finding an Excel shortcut that saved me hours of work. Nerdy? I don’t care. Nothing screams wild like…

Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20130325

You can learn all kinds of useful Excel tricks on YouTube, but I haven’t seen any cake chart tutorials there. When making excel charts becomes exciting its time to go outside The NCAA’s online stream ‘boss button’ is greatly improved over the previous blank Excel spreadsheet. saying that i know pivot table during the interview…

Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20130208

Remember, 3-D pie charts are bad, and exploded 3-D pie charts are worse. Maybe the chart wizard could come back to remind us occasionally. People referred to =IF(AND(·,OR(·,·)),·) in Excel as "computer code". An awkward feeling pervaded the room. Watchin’ all these BI107 kids doing their excel homework with a MOUSE! Lol I remember my…

Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20130201

When you think of columns, do you mean steel buildings or Excel spreadsheets? I could get used to this staying home sick. Less distraction so finally getting some work done. Excel-in-bed Solution for one excel crashing problem is "user moved to another pc without the problem". Oh, a 40MB excel spreadsheet of data… without any…

Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20130125

Fire everyone who doesn’t know how to build a pivot table, but definitely keep the people who count the characters in their Excel formulas. I just made the most beautiful graph in excel. I almost cried when it popped up. #excel #shouldabeenacompmajor If I was boss I’d fire everyone who didn’t know/didn’t try to learn…

Excel Humor

Excel Twittr 20121231

Happy New Year! May the upcoming year be filled with fresh spreadsheets and no nightmares about Excel. I have an excel spreadsheet waiting for me at work. There’s 1402 things on it I need to check…I’m only at 200 Excel only crashed 24 times while editing the combined RFP spreadsheet. Awesome. Save. Save. Save. Dammit….

Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20121224

I hope you enjoy the holidays, and your stocking is filled with sweet macros and pivot tables. But remember, don’t argue with any talking spreadsheets! Tell some bad Christmas jokes instead! Using a pivot table to sum the ingredients for the different recipes in my Christmas meal spreadsheet. My geek power will rule the world!…