Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20110204

Some people stayed home this week, because of the ice and snow. Others bravely (and bitterly) struggled through the elements, to get to their Excel spreadsheets. Spreadsheet and more spreadsheets…I don’t remember a world before #Excel. Just spent 10 minutes trying to change a date on my spreadsheet to 31st February 2011…. Was getting very…

Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20110129

Excel users are very versatile; in addition to creating spreadsheets, they can also do phone support, write love songs, calculate astrological compatibility of pets, and assemble glow-in-the-dark skeletons. Last 30 minutes: I have…fixed two computer login problems, given 2 reading recs, and taught 3 kids chart skills in Excel #WhatLibrariansDo I could write a love…

Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20110114

Thanks to the Excel 25th birthday celebrations, people are sharing their Excel memories. Meanwhile, back in the office, overworked hands are turning into claws — there must be some medication for that! #Excel has text styles named "Normal", "Good", "Bad", and "Neutral" but no "Freakalicious". Stupid #Microsoft. OH: ‘why can’t I just have an excel…

Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20110113

Wasn’t Excel’s 25th birthday in September? Anyway, there’s lots of celebrating going on now, so have a piece of cake, or pie, and enjoy a day with wicked awesome spreadsheets. Microsoft #Excel is older than the college grad you just hired. http://bit.ly/htSSRf #depressing After six hours of copying radio stories into an excel spreadsheet I’ve…