Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20121001

If you’re only as hot as your last worksheet, you’d better skip the pool parties and focus on that budget. My Excel teacher just stopped in the middle of class and goes, "Oooh, I just love this stuff! It’s so fun!" #crazycatlady Just made the most perfect chart on Excel:) #nerdtweet Chances are increasing rapidly…

Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20120913

After you waste two hours struggling with a chart or pivot table, call your nephew, the finance guy, to see if he can help. It’s better than throwing your computer out the window. I love when my boyfriend decreases my work stress by writing Excel formulas for me! #DatingANerdIsHandy What my night consists of: Excel,…

Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20120911

If the numbers guy doesn’t know how to make a pivot table, that’s bad news. How will you make it look like you’ve hit your target? Never understood the appeal of setting Excel calculation to Manual. Oh, hello 40×500000 cell worksheet almost wholly made of vlookups… If anyone needs me, I’ll be over here, staring…

Excel Humor

Excel Twitter 20120815

Try to avoid sacrificing any Excel files today, especially if you’re organizing the next Olympics in that spreadsheet. Asking my dad how much hamburger I should buy for a barbecue inevitably leads to intense number crunching and complicated Excel charts. Is it possible to hide a whole spreadsheet accidentally? Or is that my Excel sacrifice…